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Call doctor for tests

15 Mar 2020 - 9:00 AM


Ask for blood tests and GYM certificate.

Beatrice’s bday

22 Mar

Add new wekkly pin

March, 2020

Two Weeks
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Today’s schedule

Thursday 11

Wake up Buddy

7:00 AM

Morning Yoga

8:00 AM

Daily workout
  • Squat 10x3
  • Push up 10x3
  • Push up 10x3

8:00 AM

Shift project kick off pt.1
  • Zoom call, kick off with Elena and Jordan from Shift.

10:30 AM

Skype Sushi
  • Lunch with Ally, fight this quarantine with humor!

12:30 AM

Dribbble Shot
  • Working on a new shot !!

2:00 PM

mark Collins Settings
Godzilla Eminem
03:15 00:45

8:48 AM

Now is almost Sunny

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